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If you neglect blood pressure, you may lose your life.

If you neglect blood pressure, you may lose your life.

Vaidh Kinshuk Heerpara Ayurvedic Physician

Today, blood pressure problems are seen in a large number of people. There are no signs of high blood pressure. If we talk about cities in India, one out of every five people is found to be suffering from blood pressure or hypertension. In it, the blood of the person's body is seen to be more than normal. Despite the pressure, it cannot be placed in the category of high blood pressure. Yes, if a person stays in this condition for a long time, the risk of high blood pressure increases greatly.

You may not be aware of it, but high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure. Due to this, kidney diseases also occur. With the increasing age of each person, the possibility of such problems increases. So it is necessary for everyone to be alert in this regard. You may be surprised to know that 40 percent of all deaths in the United States are in women and 52 percent in men due to blood pressure and related diseases.

When does blood pressure increase?

Normal blood pressure of every person is 120/80. Twenty-five years ago, blood pressure was in the range of 12080 and 13989. So it was considered normal blood pressure. Now this blood pressure level is seen as prehypertension level. Any time your blood pressure falls into the prehypertension level, it falls into the high blood pressure category. This process is very fast. Ayurveda experts say that a level of 14090 is now considered high blood pressure. Now, when the blood pressure goes above 120/80, doctors and physicians advise a person to change his lifestyle. In that case, if the person's weight is more than necessary, the doctors immediately warn them. They have high blood sugar or high cholesterol

Just give notice. Blood pressure becomes an added concern for those with blood sugar and cholesterol problems. This kind of should. Healthy people should not ignore this matter at all. He should seriously treat it. Yes, chances are you won't see any signs of it. However, it increases your risk of heart disease. One person in every seven to ten people in Indian cities is at risk of heart attack, stroke, heart attack due to high blood pressure. Due to this, kidney diseases also occur. This should be taken very seriously considering the estimated death due to complications. In short, treat high blood pressure after it occurs. Don't ignore it.

How can the problem of high blood pressure be eased?

High blood pressure can be treated. Yes, for that you need to change your lifestyle as per the advice of the doctor. First of all, if you are smoking, you should stop it immediately. If you are dangerously overweight, take steps to lose it. Generally, your weight is about the same as your height in inches. In case of blood pressure, doctors should take extra care of them. If the patients are drinking alcohol, they should stop drinking immediately. First of all, they should improve their eating habits by completely stopping the intake of caffeinated coffee. Eat a low-sodium, low-salt diet. Start exercising. If mental stress is increasing due to any reason in office or home, reduce that mental stress. Try to bring your blood pressure under control by making lifestyle changes unless you have extremely high blood pressure. Only after these efforts fail should you resort to medicines. Once you start taking the medication, it is risky to stop it, so plan ahead. After starting the medication, continue to take it regularly. Do not change the time of taking the medicine as far as possible. If you stop taking the medicine, there is a risk of having a heart attack. It is a condition where blood pressure is not under control even after you start taking medicine. It also indicates that your blood pressure is resistant to medication. 20 to 30 percent of blood pressure patients are seen to develop this type of condition

Danger if blood pressure is not under control

If the blood pressure is not controlled, the threat to the life increases continuously. People who are obese or suffer from diabetes may not control their blood pressure quickly. This risk also lies against those who do not undergo regular blood pressure treatment as prescribed by the doctor. In the same way, if you start taking any medicine on your own without the advice of a physician or doctor, it also causes this problem. In the same way, those who do not stop drinking alcohol, those who do not control their salt intake also increase the problem of blood pressure. People who consume painkillers have difficulty controlling their blood pressure. People who continue to take any medication without doctor's advice for chest congestion may develop blood pressure problems. I see a 15-year-old with changes in blood pressure under the influence of medication. This change also becomes arbitrary. That is why it is in everyone's interest that Ayurvedic medicines should not be taken without consulting a physician. Obese people have another problem. This problem is known as sleep apnea in medical language.

27 Jul, 2023